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Massimo Nicoletti
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Physics inverse formula learning tool for students


FormuleInverseFisica is an educational tool designed to simplify the process of learning and working with inverse formulas in physics for high school students. Its primary function is to assist users in deriving inverse formulas from standard mathematical equations commonly encountered in physics problems. The application focuses on presenting a variety of general formulas that are essential in understanding the concepts taught in high school physics courses.

The platform offers an intuitive interface where users can readily calculate unknown values within given formulas by interacting with designated keys, denoted as B, C, and K. These keys are instrumental in formulating and solving for the unknowns in the equations displayed.

At its core, the game is a free resource that uses general variables such as A, B, C, and K in its examples to maintain a high level of applicability to different physics problems. Initially, it includes formulas from kinematics and dynamics topics. However, there is the option to expand the range of topics via in-app purchases, with additional subjects available including modules on work-energy, thermology, electricity, and magnetism, providing a more comprehensive educational experience.

A 'Play mode' feature enhances problem-solving skills through an interactive and step-by-step approach to extracting unknowns from an equation.

It supports both Italian and English languages, ensuring a wider range of students can benefit from its offerings. In case of difficulties, the support team is just a message away, ensuring a smooth and productive learning experience.

FormuleInverseFisica excels at providing a practical learning platform for students grappling with the complexities of physics and offers an engaging way to strengthen their understanding and application of inverse formulas.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 2.1.x or higher required

More information

Package Name prg.formuleinversefisica
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
Author Massimo Nicoletti
Downloads 811
Date Jun 17, 2016
Content Rating +3
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